Shine On! Kids manages the event in collaboration with Club360, Empire Entertainment, and other corporate partners. All proceeds benefit Shine On! Kids' Hospital Facility Dog Program. Shine On! Kids supports kids with cancer and other serious illnesses in 30 hospitals throughout Japan.
Fighters Meet Fighters
Event Recap
On Saturday April 13, Shine On! Kids hosted the Fighters Meet Fighters event at Club360 Roppongi.
The event brings together the executive fighters and the Shine On! Kids program participants. Not only does this help the fighters truly understand what they are fighting for but also gives the children an opportunity to have some fun and meet people who are supporting them.
This year children painted and presented Daruma dolls to the fighters, with messages of encouragement. Daruma dolls are a good luck charm and also a symbol of self-perseverance, focus and discipline. Fighters made their goal/wish and colored in a single eye at the Fighters Meet Fighters event to lock in their commitment of their fight for May 31st. Before the event, fighters will display the Daruma somewhere nearby, and after the event, fighters will color in the other eye to symbolize the goal/wish coming true.
A very BIG thanks to the fighters, families, children and staff for joining!
All the best in the 2 weeks leading up to the big event on May 31st!